
Last Post for 2023...

Good afternoon parents, I still can't believe that the end of the year is has been a brilliant year as a 3DEL class and I am so very proud of each of them.  These students have shown themselves to be kind, creative, funny, thoughtful and hard working group of children and should all feel very proud of their growth and personal achievements throughout the year.  It has been my absolute pleasure to have worked with these students this year and I will miss them very much...our goal this week is to ensure that we are enjoying each other's company in these final few days as well as finishing up our learning. We aren't on holidays just yet! Class Lists 2024  - In the latest newsletter, you would have seen that Mrs Penny King and Mrs Annie Lord/Mrs Megan Zanetti will be in charge of these legends next year.  As mentioned previously, class lists are being finalised this week and will be confirmed with administration next week. These will then be shared with parents in Wee

Week 8 Is Here...How?!

Good afternoon parents, Welcome to Week 8 in 3DEl...just 10 more days and our time together is done...insert suuuuuuuper sad face here! I am pretty sure I remember Week 3 but from there it has all been such a huge blur! How is the heat?! I have run out of dishes for the garden trying to keep the birds, possums and bobtails hydrated so that they stop trying to move into my house!  I am not great with small animals of the not cute and cuddly vibe...Australian critters have been sent to test me...all I need is the spiders and then I reckon I am out of the country! We don't have a character strength to focus on for this week but it is possibly a good chance to focus on them all...our main strengths are the ones that we lean to without thinking.  It is tough going in class at the moment with the heat and the general bugs and things going around so we shall all draw on our strengths of perseverance, love, gratitude and self-regulation to ensure that we end the term on a high! I have very

Week 6 Update

Good morning parents, I hope you enjoyed both the warmth and coolness of this favourite time of the year. Warm days and cool nights are perfect for doing all the things!  We are about to begin exam week in our house for Ella...please keep her and us in your prayers!   Remembrance Day - Yesterday we celebrated Remembrance Day as a nation.  Our whole school gathered together on Wednesday in a service beautifully led by 5C remembering those that have served and died for us to live as we do.  We pause to remember on  the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, a minute’s silence is observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation. At 11am on 11 November 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare.  The Germans called for an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure a peace settlement. They accepted the allied terms of unconditional surrender. The conflict had mobilised over 7

Welcome to Week 5!

Good afternoon parents, Welcome to our last Week 5 for this year...can you believe the term is nearly done! I can vaguely remember the middle of Term 3 and then poof...we are here! I earnt some mum points this weekend driving up to Perth so Ella and some friends could go see the Old either know them or you don't...they did and had a blast!  She is now the proud owner of a random guitar pick that she battled another girl for...oh, to be 16 again! What is on this week... A relatively normal week for us in 3DEL...except...! Pupil Free Day - A reminder that this Friday, 10th November is a day off for all students. I hope you enjoy the mid term break and it gives you all a moment to pause and gather your strength for the last few weeks! Naturaliste Free Dress - Thursday 9th November. St Vincent De Paul Hamper Appeal - further information will be coming out on this next week, but if I can ask you to pop a couple of extra Christmas items into your shopping if you can over t

Term 4 Week 3

Welcome to Week 3! How fast did those first two weeks go?! The year threes have started the term strong with impressive growth in their PAT assessments. We are so proud of them all! Hat Off to Teachers: Next Friday is World Teachers Day, the theme being Hats Off To Teachers.   To celebrate the fantastic teachers we have at OLC, the P&F will be hosting a morning tea for the teachers. To join in the fun and celebrate the teachers, the students are asked to wear a fun hat to school. School Photo day: Fotomakers WA will visit Our Lady of the Cape Primary School on the 26th of October, 2023. All orders will need to be placed online. There is no option to pay with cash. Every student has received an information letter to take home. The information letter gives the students a unique access key for ordering online and clear instructions for ordering your photos. Note that all students from Y1 – Y6 should wear full formal uniforms on Thursday. This includes shorts for boys, shorts or summer

Welcome to Week 2!

Good morning everyone, Welcome to another week in 3DEL...the term is flying past already...I blinked and it was Wednesday afternoon! Thank you for your efforts in getting your children sorted ready for our final term, they have all grown so much as I am sure you can tell by the change in short and dress lengths! We celebrated our Senior Presentation Awards last night down at the NCC, a great night with a few notable mentions!  Firstly, well done Trav Fassom and Ben Danaher on a great evening of and your team did a great night of moving everyone along and fun was had, thanks legends! Secondly, congratulations to our SWFL Women's Team on taking out the award for Team of the Year this is an award that recognises the commitment, inclusivity and demonstration of club values on and off the field.  Well done Candice Honeybone, Alicia Reagan and Joanne girls are awesome! Finally, a HUGE congratulations to our very own Reece Duffield for being awarded the Seni

Welcome to Term 4!

Good afternoon parents, Welcome back to our final term for the year, gosh it has gone by super quick!. I hope you all and your families had an enjoyable break and got out and about in this weather. I have had a great break....busy doing all the holiday things but feeling refreshed and ready for our final term as a 3DEL group.  As I think about how quickly this year has gone and how close we are to the end, I can't help but reflect on how much the students have grown and matured. I am so very proud of them and have VERY MUCH enjoyed working with these beautiful children.  I am looking forward to a great last term together, working hard to round out a great year of growth both in height and in learning! Welcome - We welcome Mrs Hegney to the school this term, we will be gathering as a whole school tomorrow morning at 11am to hear from her as a whole school for the first time! Rosary -  October is the Month traditionally  dedicated to the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  We ar